How We Got Here Pt. 3

How We Got Here by Mike Smith As previously mentioned, when in the 1870’s, the young U.S. Government surveyor, Marcelous Williams, tramped through the croc and mosquito invested area at the mouth of Dispatch Creek, he drew a survey line across the front of the creek. It was this survey line that would play a major role in the future development of the Ocean Reef Club. Essentially, the line designated the waterway as non-navigable, limiting future Federal and State jurisdictions. Fast forward to the late 1960’s. Harper Sibley, a home builder and developer of Miami’s Jockey Club acquired the ORC property from Seaboard Properties with an aim to expand Morris Baker’s vision of the Club. Along with Morris Burk, a design and planner, a development plan was formed and had four phases. Phase I became the upland area of an extended Dispatch Creek called Harbor Course South, now known as the Hammock area. Phase II was a single-family development area northwest of the airstrip and was connected to Pumpkin Creek by a barge canal. Phase III was the most ambitious: a bridge to Angelfish Key (now known as Sunrise Cay) which planned for 650 multi-family units, a number later reduced … Continue reading How We Got Here Pt. 3