How We Got Here pt. 9

How We Got Here by Mike Smith The portion of the Course that was deeded to the Club in the late 1990’s. We previously talked about the Harbor Club and the agreement between the Club and Driscoll Properties. One provision of that agreement was that there would only be one Harbor Course pro shop and the Club had just constructed a new clubhouse which would house a pro shop for both the Harbor and Dolphin courses. Driscoll wanted the pro shop in the harbor Club building because it would draw more attention to the Harbor course area thus improving lot sales. Brad Dressler, representing Driscoll, wrote a letter to the Club outlining the essence of the problem. At that time (late 1990’s), the average price for a Harbor Course lot was $100,000 and Driscoll was concerned that as the price of ORC memberships escalated, lot sales would grind to a halt because of the high acquisition cost. As usual, cooler heads did prevail and a complicated agreement was struck as both sides tried to do what was best for the future of Ocean Reef Club. Bob Morgan who was Club Chairman at the time worked with Mr. Dressler and others … Continue reading How We Got Here pt. 9