From: Born and raised in Havana, Cuba moved to Florida in 2008

Service specialty and Certifications: Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist
(FRCms), Functional Range Assessment (FRA), Functional Range Release (FR), Integrated
Kinetic Neurology, Rocktape (Kinesiotaping), Rockblades (IASTM), Rockpods (Cupping).
Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques, Trigger Point, Stretch Therapy and Personal Trainer.

Experience: I have 7+ years of experience as a manual therapist working at a chiropractor
office where I assisted and facilitated treatment for patients with a range of conditions like:
sciatic nerve pain, neck and low back pain, post-op patients and many more.

My Philosophy: My philosophy is simple, “be good to people, help as many as you can and
always smile.” You never know who you’re helping and what they’re going through; you might
be the only positive interaction they have in their day. Smile because it’s contagious (just try it,
smile at someone and they will smile back even if they don’t know why). As a professional, it’s
my goal to ensure that every person I have an interaction with gains something positive from
my sessions and to support them as they work towards meeting their short term and long term
goals. In my experience, there is nothing more rewarding than positive feedback and my
clients’ satisfaction—at the end of the day they trusted me with something sacred (their health
and body), and that means the world to me!

“In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make
a positive impact” -Les Brown
