Raised in Pennsylvania, and most recently lived in Arizona for 6 years


Service Specialty & Certifications: BS in Kinesiology with a minor in Group Fitness, FMT Mobility Specialist, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Wellness Coach, RYT 200, Level 3 Certified Meditation Teacher, Buti Yoga Instructor, CPR/First Aid Certified


Experience: With more than 8 years of experience in the wellness industry and over 1000 hours training at an elite level, 15 months in a stretch clinic as a stretchologist, 6 years as a yoga instructor and 2 years as a mobility coach, Hannah has worked with clients of all ages and ability levels. She specializes in mobility work, balance training, strength training, and overall fitness to help people move how they are supposed to – pain free.


My Philosophy: It’s never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest version of yourself. As a wellness coach, I focus on the ongoing process of a person’s overall wellness. I recognize that everyone is unique and different, so no one diet, exercise, or way of life will work for everyone. I tailor wellness plans for each individual based on the individual. 


“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.”
