From: Born and raised in Nebraska; I have also lived in the mountains of northern Georgia, Colorado, and most recently Wyoming outside of Yellowstone.
Service Specialty & Certifications: Professional level yoga teacher, RYT-500 and currently working towards becoming a certified yoga therapist with a completion date of June 2019; Certified Stick Mobility Coach
Experience: 3+ years of yoga teaching and 2+ years in a clinical, therapeutic yoga setting.
My Philosophy: Yoga can be an integral part of any fitness program or interdisciplinary care team. There are lessons for the mind and body that extend outside of the classroom and mat and can be used as guideposts for life.
“I love sharing yoga and movement with everybody, especially ‘non yogi’ populations. Everybody can benefit from stretching and strengthening as well as learning to slow the mind. Yoga gives people a tool kit of self care techniques to be carried off of the mat and into everyday life.”