Moorey-Margaret Myers
Medical Fitness Therapist

From: Moorey-Margaret was born and raised on the shores of the Great Lakes of Michigan, left her heart in Maui and moved to Florida in October 2018.

Service Specialty & Certifications: 

Yoga Alliance: E-RYT 500, YACEP.  Aerial Yoga, Aerial Yin, Yahweh Yoga, Yoga Fit, Yogi Flight School Arm Balance and Inversion Training, Sound Healing and Advanced Restorative Specialty Certifications.  

Personal Training and Specialty Certifications: Exercise as Medicine, Medical Fitness Therapist, Level 2 WITS Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, TRX Suspension Training, Group Exercise Essentials, Core Pilates, Warrior Sculpt, Schwinn Cycling, Core Training, Bands and Balls for Barre and Booty, Fitness Walking, Project Wild, Project Aquatic Wild and the Ballet Magnificat Instructor Intensive Training Program (which includes kinesiology, strength and conditioning, Pilates for dancers, yoga for dancers, ballet, pointe, modern, jazz, worship dance, improvisation, pointe, pas de deux and ministry.) B.A. with honors concentration in dance.

Experience: 20+ years

My Philosophy: Meet people where they are at with the body they are in and teach them how to honor that body and then guide them in a manner to their goals that hopefully allows them to fall in love with the process and maintain their new lifestyle.


“Fitness should be fun and humor can be a great way to help people through plateaus.” 
